Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy December!

Hello. I am here again randomly with a few fun photos. Things are going well for us since we last posted. We enjoyed Thanksgiving at the Wakefield's, decorated the house for Christmas and are excited to see our Peterson family soon :) We had our neighbors over for a scone night and that was a lot of fun. Today we hosted playgroup and it was enjoyable having lots of kids around and I had adult conversation :) while there was snow on the ground outside. Owen doesn't take naps anymore so I don't get much free time, but that is ok. Owen and Lydia both like to listen to primary songs on You Tube during the day and Owen usually gets to watch one movie... and yes...we have to limit how many times a week he watches Cars or we (Nate and I) might go crazy. I have been working a lot on family history at night and Nate has been doing a great job as a Project Manager at work. Lydia is as sweet as ever, even though she has 3 teeth coming in...and she seems to want to skip the crawling stage and go right to walking. Life is good for us in the Peterson household and we are grateful for all our many blessings. We hope things are going well for each of you.
Owen posing in front of the tree...he sure does like to take pictures now
We put up our Christmas tree and they loved playing with the ornaments but so far the tree has stayed put :) Yah for Christmas :)
Lydia :)
Shelly's cousin Macey is going to BYU and came out for her B-Day....we are glad she is close by and has great roommates!
Our "little" angels :)
Owen with his cousins Pyper and Brooke...the girls always spoil him and give him lots of attention. We are excited for our upcoming reunion :)
The Piglet Plunge...Owen and Shelly with good friends Elisa and Jacob

Hayes Family reunion August 2011
Owen with some of his second cousins at a Peterson Thanksgiving. The kids had fun jumping on the trampoline and throwing leaves in the air
Owen being his cute self!
Fun at Grandma and Grandpa Pete's!
Mommy helping in the kitchen :)
Owen helping in the kitchen :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hello, It is my turn (Nate) to post on our blog. We have recently been having a lot of fun as a family. We were able to go down to St. George and visit my older Sister Amy and her family. We were able to help them lay some cement in their back yard. It was a lot of hard work but it was fun to spend time with the family. My mom and Dad
were able to join us down there so it was good to
spend some time with them.

We were also able to go to the St. George temple visitors temple, we made the mistake of watching the families are forever movie where the grandpa dies and the family has a hard time dealing with it. Whoops, We couldn't help but think about our kids Grandpa who is sick right now. Owen tried to lighten the mood by saying "Temple, Temple!!" the whole time.

Here are some pictures of our fun time.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The last few months... :) Part 1...

Ok...so I am still trying to figure this blog thing out.. this is the best I can do for now.... this is part 1 of this years randomness.... upcoming for Part 2 randomness will be Lydia's blessing day...Easter in St. George..and other pictures.. I hope you enjoy these ones :) have a Happy Day! Shelly

Owen and Lydia :)

Fun picture over the holidays...

Nate's 26th B-day a few weeks before Lydia's birth
... and Owen wearing dadd'y shoes...

Happy 40th Anniversary!!!

4th of July

Kelly Heather and Shelly @
Children's Forest
Arrowbear, CA

Grandpa Harold and Grandma Denise with Owen....and it looks like he has Mickey Mouse ears

What handsome guys!!!

Owen "Driving Drunk" with his water :)

Lydia's first time at the ocean...Huntington beach...

Hazel and Lydia

oops .. don't know how to delete...but it is a funny pic....


Hayes Family... minus one in heaven.. love you dad!

Owen 2nd B-day..

Owen slam dunking....he love to shoot the ball!

He is learning early... football, BYU, and president Monson...

Owen and his buddy Jacob.. happy 2nd B-day!

Lydia and Uncle Tony

Girls just want to have fun!

Happy B-day Owen... partying with family in the pool

Four generation picture...

Owen in the pool with dad....Just can't get enough of her pretty face :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More baby

Here are some more pictures of the past few days: